Wednesday, January 28, 2009

confessions of a chef

We all have secrets. Some of them are the kind we keep because they have no relevance to our current lives, some remain secret because they would serve no purpose in the light of public judgement, some are told to us by friends with the strictest of confidence and should never be betrayed. These are the secrets that should retain their "take it to the grave" status. Then there are those that beg to be revealed, the nuggets that, once made public, connect us as human beings. As the launching pad to my first blog I feel that I need to reveal some of the deeper things about myself in order to "cleanse my culinary soul".

In no particular order, here are the dirty details...

1. I have been known, on occasion, to purchase "breakfast" for my kids from a gas station that we pass on the way to school.

2. I eat cereal for dinner while leaning against the kitchen counter.

3. If it were socially acceptable to put sour cream on everything, I probably would.

4. I always overcook soft-boiled eggs and undercook hard-boiled eggs.

5. There are more things in my fridge that I cannot identify than I can.

6. Basil is my favorite smell in the world (okay, not "scandalous", but worth mentioning)

7. I would choose a bag of salt & vinegar chips over a pain au chocolate any day.

8. I am extremely textural which prevents me from liking fois gras, sweetbreads, panna-cotta, or pudding... however I obsess over lemon curd... go figure.

9. This one time, in culinary school... I won a bet by fitting an entire Ding-Dong in my mouth.

10. I think Top Ramen and red Kool-Aid are the best remedy for a hangover.

11. I love to say the word "trichinosis".

So there they are, eleven (well, maybe ten) of the secrets that any chef worth their sel gris would keep buried. Why the revelation on my part? I just feel that if I am going to start this adventure in to the world of Blogging, you should know who I am... not the typical chef who only eats the finest, freshest, organic and sustainable dishes. I am someone who eats... just like you.